Tuesday, December 2, 2008

In the mean time...

So to pass some time before I start getting more attention, my new Twitter buddy Melissa (melissaoh.com) told me about a series of poetry assignments that some folks are getting involved in. You base your poem off one assigned word. Today's word is salsa. So here's my attempt:

I'd never set foot on a dance floor
those shiny black shoes gliding magestically
across a landscape of puffy gowns and flashy suits...
So naturally I practiced all month long
once you invited me to your stylish soiree
and told me to bring my finest salsa...
I didn't realize you meant you were bringing chips.


here are salsa poems by: (updated)
@muttmutt (Phil)
@melissaoyler (Melissa)
@writerbenjamin (Benjamin)
@baronessheather (Heather)

check out some other examples: the previous assignment was "baseball:"
@melissaoyler 's baseball poem
and her friend's: @baronessheather


Anonymous said...

I love this one - partially because it is sooo something I would do! This is great :)

Phil said...

I freakin' love it!!!!